Press advertising is a form of display advertising reproduced in national, local or street press titles. The same ad may appear on a variety of paper stocks from absorbent newspaper to glossy inserts, with diverse prepress and print plants located nationally, either pre-printed or inline. Most press ads are now sold in modular sizes, and may be bought as full color, mono or spot color.

At IT Solution, we offer creative press advertising that is versatile with positioning within the paper lending itself to above the line branding, short-term retail offers or below the line purposes, such as direct sale

Why You Should Outsource Layout and Formatting Services to IT Solution?

IT Solution has been a partner of choice for global publishing houses as well as independent authors. Factors that set us apart from competitors include -

·         Quality

·         SLA Adherence

·         Turnaround

·         Industry-Specific Software

·         Multiple Platforms

·         Skilled Team.

·         ISO Certified

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·         Data Security


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